Eye Exams
Everyone should have an annual eye exam in order to check the health of their eyes. Starting at 6 months of age we want to see each patient annually to help you maintain the best vision you can have throughout your whole life.

Annual Exams
Routine eye care is more than just updating your prescription. At each annual exam we assess the overall health of your eyes and visual system. This allows us to catch and stop any ocular or systemic disease that could threaten your sight or even your life.

School & Pediatric Eye Exams
80% of learning occurs through vision. A child’s vision can change very quickly. For this and many other reasons an annual exam is even more important for children. At 2EYES we know good vision is much more than just 20/20 vision. A thorough exam allows us to assure your child will not be limited in their ability to succeed at school because of an undiagnosed vision problem.

Infant Eye Exams
The American Optometric Association has determined that a child should have their first eye exam between 6 and 12 months of age. Do not wait until a child is starting kindergarten to discover eye or vision problems. Through proper vision care, your child will be better able to meet crucial developmental milestones.

Contact Lens Exams
Contact lens wearers need to have an exam yearly. The eye was not designed to wear contacts and for this reason improper use of contacts can lead to serious problems. An annual contact exam can help catch problems before they lead to serious consequences. Failure to follow contact lens guidelines can lead to many problems including blindness.

Diabetic Eye Exams
Diabetics should have their eyes checked for diabetic retinopathy at least once a year. Our doctor will communicate with your primary care provider to ensure your needs are met. By detecting diabetic problems early, we can help prevent any vision complications. Diabetes is the number one cause of preventable blindness in the United States. Please do not let diabetes sneak up on you and take away your gift of sight.

Low Vision Exams
Research has shown that blindness reduces quality of life faster than any other medical condition. If you or a loved one has lost the ability to perform daily activities, please contact us. We will work with you to determine if there is a solution to your troubles. There are many options available to help you optimize the vision you still have.

Book An Appointment
Call or text us to book an appointment, or you can schedule your exam online using the button below!
Contact Us
Office Hours
Mon - Fri: 9am-5:30pm
Office Location
5998 Pleasant Colony Ct, Ste 16,
Crestwood, KY 40014